Thursday, November 11, 2010

Spike Cleaners - Ideas Needed

I'm getting lots of requests from players to install spike cleaners throughout the course to clean grass from their spikes. I really do not want to do it because it creates a continual unsightly mess of rotting grass, creates a wear pattern back and forth, and is another item for us to trim around. It is becoming difficult to hold my ground because players are claiming it is a safety issue. Does anyone have any suggestions on spike cleaners? I'm trying to find the best way to implement them while addressing the above issues. I've also posted this on the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America web forum.......

Any help would be appreciated!


  1. I've never seen one that doesn't increase maintenance or create debris. I believe that when there is a cost effective alternative solution the safety issue may go away - like tapping their feet or heels on the ground.
    good luck

  2. You should hold your ground. I clean my shoes with a tee, or back tapping on an available curb or rock. If they are really bad and the cart path isn't wet, I'll just quickly slip them off and whack them together. Having those stations on the course will be a mess.
